Thursday, March 10, 2011

android or iphone or nokia

hmmmm.......lama dah x msk blog ni xde apa nak citer, so dah lama x blogging ni alih2 sumthing came across my mind..... nak survey phone yg up to date sikit la......some said for future tech better get android phone cos a lot advantage if compare with iphone or BB.......well tepok dada tnyer selera klu xde selera leh la jd suzie syazana k........


~PuRpLe BlosSom~ said...

androiidd!!!!!!!! bestttttttttt!!!
lg best dri iphone.. ;)

fazrulnoor said...

adroid x best

JAY-2 said...

eja android pun ko x btl rul......hmmmm poyo kambing la ko ni rul